“Made for Good”
Deutsche Bank’s Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility
August 30th, 2018Deutsche Bank’s approach to corporate responsibility focuses on the three dimensions of sustaina-bility to create economic, environmental, and social value. They seek to promote sustainable busi-ness, increase transparency, and ensure that the risk management processes help to avoid negative environmental and social impacts arising from their core businesses. In addition, Deutsche Bank tries to manage their business operations sustainably and embrace their responsibilities as a corporate citizen.
Deutsche Bank’s corporate responsibility is brought to life in its regional units and endowed foundations. Their initiatives ensure that social capital is built in all regions in which the bank operates. In order to achieve their goals, the company has created multiple programs and partnerships across the fields of education and culture.
The Deutsche Bank enterprise program for social good – “Made for Good” aims to support entrepreneurial ventures that create wider social good. They believe that enterprise plays a vital role in the growth and prosperity of communities around the world. The socially-motivated entrepreneurs and organizations that support social entrepreneurship are providing new ways to tackle poverty, unemployment, inequality, deprivation and other challenges that limit prospects and quality of life. They are able to foster change on a local, national and international scale. However, yet as many as 80% of start-ups do not survive past their first 18 months of existence. The “Made for Good” program helps them to build momentum, capacity and attract early-stage investors, as well as provide assistance when these businesses need it the most.
Deutsche Bank believes in the power of education and that every individual is born to be something. Every child and young person should receive an education that helps them to fulfil their potential, which includes securing gainful and rewarding employment. Since the beginning of the 20th century, Deutsche Bank has been investing in educational initiatives to support the growth and prosperity of the global society. This has inspired the company to launch their global “Born to Be” program, the Deutsche Bank's youth engagement pogram, which aims to give young people around the world possibilities to reach their full potential.
Another belief that the Deutsche Bank holds is that art plays an important role in the shaping of our future. It questions, inspires people, opens up new perspectives, and therefore enables them to embrace unusual and innovative solutions. Deutsche Bank Collection is considered to be one of the world’s most renowned corporate collections. On September 27, 2018, in the heart of Berlin, at Unter den Linden Boulevard 5, Deutsche Bank is opening a vibrant, inspiring, unique space for dialog and encounters with art, culture, and sports: the PalaisPopulaire. It will be a forum for art, culture and sports. Exhibitions from the Deutsche Bank Collection and important partner institutions worldwide will be showcased, alongside with concerts, readings, sports workshops, and digital experiences!
Furthermore, the Deutsche Bank Foundation is a supporter and partner of such activities as the German Book Prize, Musikfest Stuttgart, Artist of the Year, Berliner Philharmoniker, English Theatre Frankfurt, and STUDIENKOMPASS - an initiative that supports youngsters from non-academic families on their journey towards an university.
- - https://www.db.com/cr/en/society/palaispopulaire.htm
- - https://www.db.com/cr/en/strategy/index.htm
- - https://www.db.com/cr/en/society/made-for-good.htm
- - https://www.db-palaispopulaire.com/index_en.html