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An Image of a Watermelon Will Represent the Berlin Logistic Fair, 2017

Approximately eight different Honduran Exporters Have Organized a Produce Fair which Is Set to Take Place in Berlin

June 07th, 2016

More than 37,000 purchasers from around the world are expected to attend the “Berlin Logistic Fair 2017”. The executive director of the Honduran-German Chamber of Commerce has stated that Honduras will participate in the fair together with Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and Panama. This five countries account for between 30 and 40 exporters, while Costa Rica will remain independent due to its developed platform in terms of its exporting capabilities.

The fair organized by Honduran exporters, is considered to be the world’s biggest of its kind and whose origins are estimated to stretch back to the medieval era. The goal of the fair is to provide the opportunity to other states to purchase products from Honduras cheaply.

The fair sells fresh products like that of watermelon, banana, mango, avocado, sweet potato and rambutan. This differentiates them from other countries selling products which are for the most part processed. 

Sellers from Nicaragua offer products like sesame and pitahaya, while Guatemala offers all kinds of fresh vegetables. Panama has witnessed unprecedented growth in one year in terms of sales. 

In order to take part in the fair, participants will be required to invest 4000-6000 euro. This will cover the use of the stand, the tickets for the event and the hotel.

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News from Berlin
Carla Merayo, Berlin Global