
Three Steps to Improve French Education Abroad

The creation of consultations in foreign countries

April 22nd, 2023
Charlotte Renaudat, News from Berlin
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The European Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MEAE), together with the French Agency of Foreign School (AEFE) decided to launch new consultations for French education in foreign countries from March 27th to June 2023

The first step of these consultations is to distribute a questionnaire intended for the primary representatives of French education in foreign countries (such as students, students’ parents, teachers, etc.). The aim is to better understand the different actors and their expectations.

The second step is to arrange the actual exchanges. These exchanges are directed by Olivier Becht, the Minister in charge of Foreign Trade in France. The exchanges are arranged between students but also between teachers and actors of the sector.

The third and final step of the program is planned for July 2023 to be dedicated to a reunion of the board of inter ministries of education. This reunion will be used to review the development of these consultations and how to improve the French education abroad.


News from Berlin