Panel Discussion about Gender Self-Determination
On the 16th of March 2023, the Dutch embassy in Berlin organized a panel discussion about gender self-determination
March 16th, 2023The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin, in cooperation with the Lesbian and Gay Association in Germany (LSVD) and Bundesverband Trans* (BVT*), had a panel discussion about gender self-determination on the 16th of March 2023. Politicians and representatives from NGOs from Germany and the Netherlands reflect on the current situation and public debate in their respective countries in the run-up to parliamentary discussions about legislative changes.
The Lesbian and Gay Association in Germany, often known as LSVD or Lesben- and Schwulenverband in Deutschland, is a non-profit group that promotes the rights of LGBT persons in Germany. It was established in 1990, not long after the fall of the Berlin Wall, by a coalition of activists from East and West Germany who joined forces to advance LGBT rights in the newly united nation.
With over 4,000 members and 16 regional sections, the LSVD is currently one of Germany's biggest LGBT advocacy groups. Numerous topics, such as anti-discrimination laws, marriage equality, transgender rights, and HIV prevention and care, are the focus of its work.
The LSVD has been instrumental in advancing LGBT rights in Germany, including the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2017. It has also played a key role in promoting LGBT visibility and acceptance in German society, through initiatives such as the annual Christopher Street Day parade, which is held in cities throughout the country to celebrate LGBT pride and raise awareness of LGBT issues.
In Germany, LGBT rights have advanced thanks in large part to the LSVD, including the legalization of same-sex unions in 2017. Through programs like the annual Christopher Street Day march, which is held in cities around the nation to commemorate LGBT pride and raise awareness of LGBT issues, it has also played a significant role in boosting LGBT visibility and acceptance in German society.
The non-profit organization in Germany called Bundesverband Trans* fights for the rights of transgender and gender nonconforming people. It was established in 2013 with the goal of fostering equality, respect, and acceptance for transgender and gender nonconforming people in German culture.
The group employs a number of strategies, such as direct assistance to trans and gender nonconforming people, public education campaigns, and political advocacy, to achieve its objectives. Its main areas of interest include enhancing trans people's access to healthcare, advancing legal gender identity recognition, and combating violence and prejudice against trans people.
Bundesverband Trans* offers services and support to transgender and gender nonconforming people as well as to their families in addition to its advocacy activities. This contains resources and courses for parents and families of trans children and youth as well as a hotline for trans people looking for information and support.
The event took place on the March 16, 2023 at Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Klosterstraße 50 Berlin and admission was free.