News from Berlin
25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
June 26th, 2014
News from Berlin – On the November 9th, 2014 the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall will take place. There will be many special events and exhibitions which will focus on commemorating the anniversary of the historic event organized throughout the city of Berlin. The themes that will be presented will include the Cold War, the division of the city as well as the events which led up to the peaceful reunification in 1989-1990.
People visiting Berlin during the time surrounding the anniversary will have a great opportunity to take a closer look at the history of the fall of the wall as well as its significance to the city’s residents. The organized events will include activities such as guided cycling tours along the Wall Trail, a tour of the East Berlin in a real East German Trabant car as well as visits to watchtowers and the East Side Gallery.
The main highlight of the anniversary will be a special light installation which is to be set up along the former course of the Wall. It is to symbolize the hope of a world without any walls and boundaries. This border of light, which will include thousands of illuminated and helium-filled balloons will run for twelve kilometers throughout the city center for duration of one week. It will start at the former border crossing at Bornholmer Straße through the Mauer Park, also passing Bernauer Straße, the Berlin Wall Memorial and then to the river Spree close to the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate and Potsdamer Platz as well as Checkpoint Charlie and all the way to Kreuzberg and along the Spree to the Oberbaumbrücke.
All the participants will be encouraged to stroll along the course of the Wall in order to visualize or memorise the extent of the division after the fall. One of the attractions of the anniversary will be the white balloons at five spots in Berlin which will be released into the air as a commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago.
News from Berlin – Berlin Global