
Sustainable Design Competition at the Nordic Embassies

The aim is to highlight the importance of sustainability in design

April 01st, 2019
Martta Tenhu, News from Berlin
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An exhibition on five winner chairs designed by Nikolaj Trane Carlsen (Denmark), Samuli Naamanka (Finland), Sölvi Tristjánsson (Iceland). Peter Opsvik (Norway) and David Ericsson (Sweden) in Felleshus Berlin.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference in December 2018, was a starting point to the Nordic design competition. United Nations conference agreed on rules to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement. Under the Paris Agreement, each country must determine, plan and regularly report on the contribution that it undertakes to mitigate global warming. Every country must participate and the Nordics started to collaborate.

Therefore the Nordic Council kicked off an international branding project, The Nordics, to sustain the goals of Paris Agreement. The Nordics, together with design associations from five Nordic countries, launched a competition for sustainable chairs. The aim is to highlight the importance of sustainability in design with shared common values: openness, trust, innovation, sustainability and equality.


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