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Nelson Mandela’s Life Honored by an Opera in Munich

June 04th, 2014

News from Berlin – As from June 4th to June 15th the Deutsches Theater München presents in collaboration with Cape Town Opera and Munich Symphony Orchestra a folk opera on the life of Nelson Mandela.

From traditional Xhosa choral music, to jive dancing and jass of the 1950s township dance halls ; from struggle songs of the 1980s, to the liberation music of the 1990s, Mandela Trilogy glorifies the vibrant diversity of South African music whereas dramatizing the defining moments that caracterize Mandela’s life.

The first act starts in Mandela’s birthplace, in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa in the town of Qunu. After his initiation into manhood and the rejection of an arranged marriage, Nelson Mandela decides to leave his hometown and takes flight to Johannesburg.

In the second act, Mandela works as a lawyer in Sophiatown, little time before the Nationalist Party’s forced eviction of the township residents. During this period, the community leadership role of Mandela and his political education become more pronounced, meanwhile he manages to gather black South Africans toward the African National Congress cause.

The third and final act recounts the consequences of the Sharpeville Massacre, Mandela’s trial and incarceration and his release from the infamous Robben Island prison.

Internationally known, the Cape Town Opera has already performed this show in South Africa and Wales.

The Mandela Trilogy will take place in Deutsches Theater München (Schwanthalerstraße 13, 80336 München).

Tickets prices are between 24 and 74 euros.

For more informations or purchase your tickets, please visit the webpage of the show : http://www.deutsches-theater.de/programm/mandela.html


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