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Human Rights in Academia: Lectures at Free University Berlin

June 24th, 2014
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News from Berlin - On June 24th, Dr. Jürgen Altmann, academic in Physics, is invited to speak at Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft about the armament and human rights. The lecture will be focused around the question of whether human rights and research about armament are in strict opposition and how far can we go in research about armament.


Dr. Jürgen Altmann is the head of the department of “Physics and Disarmament” at Dortmund Technical University. He did his PhD at Hamburg University and co-founded the Natural Sciences, Disarmament and International Security Research Association (Forschungsverbund Naturwissenschaft, Abrüstung und internationale Sicherheit, FONAS). He also is the vice-speaker of the Physics and Disarmament Research Group at the German Physical Association (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPD). His research focuses upon nonlethal weapons and military use of nanotechnology. 

Professor Bernd Ladwig from Free University Berlin and the academic group of Amnesty International are hosting discussions and lectures about human rights. The lectures are held from April 22nd up to July 17th every Tuesday from 6-8pm and are open to the public. This year, lectures are focused upon the interplay of knowledge industry, circulation and human rights. Discussions will be held about why human rights today represent an interdisciplinary research field and to what extend human rights are respected in academic research. Another topic will be the respect for human rights in academic practice. Questions from the audience will be answered at the end of the lecture.

Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Hörsaal A, Ihnestraße 21, Berlin-Dahlem (Ubhf Thielplatz)

6-8pm, free entrance

News from Berlin - Berlin Global