News from Berlin
Bilateral Franco-German Symposium: Climate Change, Agriculture and Forest, May 7th 2014
March 13th, 2014

The Service for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Berlin is organizing, in cooperation with its partners the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry at Jena and the INRA Paris, a bilateral symposium in the theme of “Climate change, agriculture and forest”. The purpose is to stimulate the exchange of ideas and knowledge about recent scientific research, as well as to elaborate a relevant assessment on climate topics prior to the 21st Conference of the parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change (COP 2) that will take place at the end of 2015. It is considered a major step in the negotiation process about global warming, with Paris having been officially selected as the host city for the Conference. Thus, the French Embassy in Berlin is aiming to gather, on May 7th of 2014, as many experts as possible in order to make COP 21 a success that could lead to mutual beneficial cooperation in the fields of environment, economy and agriculture.
The event, held in English, will deal with the following subjects among others: forest, climate, agriculture, the carbon cycle, greenhouse gas and bio-economy.
Registration is free and interested experts in the fields mentioned above should send their email address, name, institution’s name and phone number to the following person before May 1st 2014: Clément Guyot, Special Assistant, Service for Science and Technology,
For further information, we kindly ask you to contact Jolanta Lewandowska, Attaché, Service for Science and Technology, French Embassy in Berlin.; Tel. + 49 30 590 03 92 55
Direction: French Embassy in Berlin Wilhelmstrasse 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Source: sciences-allemagne