News from Berlin
World Leaders Mark the Centenary of World War One
August 04th, 2014
News from Berlin – World leaders meet in Liege, Belgium today to mark the centenary of the beginning of the First World War. Yesterday Francois Hollande and his German counterpart Joachim Gauck made a joint tribute in Alsace to soldiers killed during the conflict, laying the first stone for a memorial at the Vieil Armand cemetery. Both leaders paid tribute to the sacrifice those men made and celebrated the importance of the modern Franco-German relationship in Europe. Mr Hollande stated that the relationship between the two countries was an “an example for the world, a strength and an invitation, wherever peace is threatened, whenever human rights are violated, wherever principles of international law are flouted.”
The anniversary has also inspired numerous cultural displays throughout Europe, with the Berlin historical museum holding the only exhibition in Germany to examine Germany’s part in the war and the experiences of soldiers on the front line. The exhibition focuses on the human experiences of the war which transcended nationality, giving visitors glimpse into the harrowing experiences of all soldiers in the trenches.
Whilst in London, over 800,000 ceramic poppies will be placed in the grounds of the Tower of London, staying there throughout the summer summer in memorial to the 900,000 British soldiers who lost their lives in the conflict. The installation, by artist Paul Cummins, entitled “Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red” will be unveiled on Tuesday. British Prime Minister, David Cameron, echoed the sentiments of his French and German counterparts stating that “we are marking that centenary to honour those who served, to remember those who died, and to ensure that the lessons learnt live with us forever.”
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