News from Berlin
“Tous des européens” - European tour last step in Berlin for the radio France Inter.
May 28th, 2014
News from Berlin - “Une amitié, un Traité, une Histoire”. These were the first words of the French radio France Inter from Berlin. This project of eight months long brought the team of “All Europeans” to about 15 European capitals. From Copenhagen, to Rome, they ended last Friday in what they call the capital of Europe: Berlin; on the opening of an electoral week, as a symbol of unification and friendship between two countries at the center of the debate in Europe nowadays.
The show was then divided in two main parts. The first one was “I like Europe”. Caroline Gillet started the discussion with a quick but meaningful meeting with an international couple. Hannes and Michel are both from different countries and different culture. She is from Israel, while he is from Germany; such a symbol in Berlin where such strong historical events took place. During the meeting, Hannes and Michel explained the difficulties at the beginning from a family point of view. Nevertheless, their child will have an advantage, quoting the husband. Bringing two cultures, two languages, will be in their point of view more beneficial. Helping to solve conflicts or in simply being open-minded as a person. Right after this nice introduction, it was the time for German news, with as the main focus the European election of the weekend. Birke Burkhard, a journalist from Deutschland Radio explained to the French listeners the situation in Germany. Even though some alternative groups try to get under light, Euroscepticism is still rare in the capital of Europe. Moreover he explained the cultural difference in the French and German European campaign. In France elections, even European ones, are much more nationalized while in Germany it is more a global interest. It is probably the symbol of this current “European Germany”. And indeed, the quoted figure was that 77% of Germans are in favour of Europe and this proportionality voting because they might believe in European Union as the stronger tool for a global peace. This was what also explained in other words Michael Roth during the political interview. Thus, as a conclusion to this first part, a German band “Le comptoir chantant” gave a live performance.
The second part of the show started with a focus on Euroscepticism, by Claire Demesnay : the rising of Euroscepticism, is connected to the economic matter : with the crisis in the south of Europe, people from the north don’t want to pay for the south anymore. Also, the immigration, more accepted in Germany than in some other countries, start to change people mind because of social abuse they are accused of. The role of the media was highlighted with the book ‘He is back’ of Timur Vernes (over 1million books sold in Germany).
In a cheerful and relaxed mood, the show ended after a performance from the feminist rapper Lady Lazy, winner of a “political-rap” contest of
News from Berlin – Berlin Global