
The History of Time in the Inca Calendar: a Lecture on non-Euclidean Geometry in Berlin

Franklin Arze de la Barra will unveil the mysteries of the Inca Calendar at the Ibero-American Institute in Berlin, in cooperation with the Embassy of Bolivia

June 06th, 2024
Anita Marsiglia, News from Berlin
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On 18 June, 2024, the Simon Bolivar Hall of the Ibero-American Institute will host a lecture in Spanish titled “The History of Time in the Inca Calendar in Light of Non-Euclidean Geometry” by the Bolivian engineer and historian Franklin Arze de la Barra, a descendant of the Incas, entitled "The History of Time in the Inca Calendar in the Light of Non-Euclidean Geometry". The lecture was organised in cooperation with the Bolivian Embassy in Berlin as part of the Andean, Amazonian and Chaco New Year celebrations.

Mathematicians and physicists have made significant advances in understanding time. However, they use specialised language that is difficult for most people to understand.

In his lecture, writer and engineer Franklin Arze de la Barra will address the concept of time from two perspectives: Western and Andean. He will introduce the topic through Stephen Hawking's seminal work, “A Brief History of Time”, and will also consider the contributions of Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Bernhard Riemann, Hermann Minkowski, and Albert Einstein, with special attention to Minkowski's “Four-Dimensional Universe” as discussed by Anatoli Anatólievich Sazánov.

The lecture will provide a synthesis of the sixty years of research on the Inca Calendar conducted by the Dutch anthropologist Tom Zuidema and the contributions of his disciple, Brian Bauer, as well as Manuel Chávez Ballón. It will reference the "Tetralectic Logic", the Maya vigesimal numbering system, and the quaternary numbering system of the Incas and Tiwanaku.

The presentation will conclude with reflections on Bernhard Riemann's tesseract, which is implicitly present in the Inca calendar, by comparing the solutions of the four-dimensional space by the physicist and mathematician Hermann Minkowski.

Prior registration is required:



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