News from Berlin
Spanish Embassy Supports Temporary Exhibition
April 22nd, 2014

News from Berlin - Lucía Tauler is set to open her new exhibition in Berlin on April 25th. Born in Madrid in 1987, she has called it One way ticket. The exhibition focuses on migration and the capacity of human beings to adapt themselves to new situations. Laura, who studied Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense in Spain, wants to encourage visitors to reflect; to leave behind everyday worries and preoccupations outside, and let hope guide them through the experience. The Spanish Embassy in Berlin is promoting it through its website SpanienKultur.
We cannot see this exhibition as an isolated form of expression. According to the newspaper El País (Economía, May 3rd, 2013) the high unemployment rate made 29,910 Spanish citizens to come to the centre of Europe in search of new opportunities in 2012. This number continues to grow significantly each year, and thus we also have to take the background of the artist into account.
The exhibition will run from April 25th to 27th at Atelier Soldina (Soldinastr. 92,13359 Berlin - Wedding). The opening of One way ticket will take place this Friday April 25th at 20.00h.
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