The Foreign Ministry of Spain |
Miro Cerar
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Born in La Pobla de Segur (Lleida), 1947.
He holds a Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Technical University of Madrid.
He holds a Bachelor's Degree and Doctorate in Economics from Complutense University of Madrid.
He holds a Postgraduate in Energy Economics from the French Institute of Petroleum in Paris.
He also holds a Master's in Applied Mathematics (Operations Research) from Stanford University, California.
From 1972 to 1982 he lectured in Mathematics at the Higher Technical School of Aeronautical Engineering of Complutense University of Madrid.
Between November 1982 and May 1996 he served, successively, as Budget General Secretary (1982-1984), State Secretary for Finance (1984-1991) and Minister of Public Works, Telecommunications, Transport and the Environment (1991-1996).
In April 1998 he won the Socialist Party's primary elections as candidate for the Presidency of the Government.
As Parliamentary Deputy for Barcelona from 1986 to 2003 he presided over the Mixed Committee for European Affairs and was a member of the European Convention (1999-2002) which prepared the European Constitution project.
Elected to the European Parliament in 2004, he served in the first half of the 2004-2009 legislature as President of the European Parliament and in the second half as chair of the Committee on Development.
He was chair of the Delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and co-chair of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly.
From 2010 to 2012 he served as President of the European University Institute in Florence. From 2013 to 2017 he resumed his professorship at the Faculty of Economics at Complutense University of Madrid and was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair for European Integration.
He currently holds the Jean Monnet Chair at the Complutense Institute of International Studies.