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News from Berlin

Scaling the Nation-State – Religion, Language and Ethnicity in Contemporary Japan and Germany

October 10th, 2014

News from Berlin - On October 10th, a two-day symposium will commence at the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB). The theme of the symposium will be, “Scaling the Nation-State – Religion, Language and Ethnicity in Contemporary Japan and Germany”.

The conference at JDZB will concentrate on the view that religion, ethnicity and language are not static phenomena, but are important tools for identity building within a nation. Japan and Germany will be used as relevant case studies as these countries have an increasing influx of migrants from different ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. However, both countries have differing approaches of how to manage the challenges of a globalizing society.

The program will include discussions on Japanese as a second language in Germany; shifting nationalism from German to European; and contemporary German migrant society.

The purpose of the conference is to explore fresh perspectives and understandings of nationhood with a comparative focus.

The JDZB is dedicated to its work in the realm of German-Japanese relations and international exchange. The Foundation was established in 1985 with the mandate to deepen and support Japanese-German cooperation in the fields of science, economics, research and culture.

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