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The Foreign Ministry of Romania |
Teodor-Viorel Meleşcanu
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister Teodor Melescanu, a seasoned career diplomat, assumed his office on 4th of January 2017. He is also a member of the Romanian Parliament, representing the Prahova constituency in the Senate. In 2015, one year before being re-elected in the Romanian Senate for the 4th term, he held the office of State Advisor on defence and security matters in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister (2015). In 2014, he also filled the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs.
His previous longstanding career with Romania’s public service included the position of Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (2012-2014), Interim Minister for Justice (2008), Minister of Defence (2007-2008), State Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs (1992- 1996), Under-Secretary of State and Secretary of State within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1990-1991). For 22 years (1966-1990), Mr. Melescanu was a diplomat within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Legal and Treaties Directorate.
Minister Melescanu holds a PhD in social and political sciences, specialty - international law, University of Geneva (1973), where he attended the International Institute for High International Studies (1967-1970). He had previously graduated from postgraduate studies in International Relations (1964-1966) and Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest (1959-1964).
His scientific and academic activity spans more than three decades, including positions such as Deputy Chairman of the Association for International Law and International Relations (ADIRI) in Bucharest. He is also a member of the Institute for Political Studies in Bucharest, the European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations and the International Law Commission of the United Nations (1996-2011) which he chaired in 2004. He was awarded the Doctor honoris causa title of the Institute for Diplomatic Studies in Mexico City (1983), of the University for Humanistic Sciences in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova (2003), and of the "Andrei Șaguna" University in Constanța (2014).
Teodor Meleșcanu has been a professor at the doctoral school of the National School of Political Sciences and Public Administration since 2013 and has taught as a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest (1992-2013). He was a university professor at the National School of Political Sciences and Public Administration (NSPSPA) between 1990 and 1991.
Selected publications:
- Drept internațional Public, University of Bucharest, published in French, in 1996 and 2002
- Pentru o altfel de politică, Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 2000
- Renașterea diplomației românești, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj, 2002
- Manual de analiză a politicii externe, Polirom Publishing House, Iași 2010, co-author
- Charte des Nations Unies, commentaire article par article, Editions Economica, Paris, 2005, co-author
- Riscuri și pericole la adresa securității, Cavallioti Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003
Author of scientific studies and articles on international law, general security and international relations (Illustrative list of articles published lately):
- Condițiile migrației în Europa și poziția României from the volume Marșul asupra Europei, Noile dimensiuni ale migrației, Adenium Publishing House, Iași, 2016
- Schimbarea în democrația din Republica Moldova from the volume Calea europeană a Republicii Moldova, Adenium Publishing House, Iași, 2016.
- Societatea bazată pe cunoaștere: oportunități și provocări pentru activitatea de intelligence in Infosfera, No 1, 2013, pages 20 -22
- Pacea istorică – semnarea Tratatului cu Ungaria in Foreign Policy Romania, January-February 2011, page 50
- Activitatea Comisiei de drept internaţional a ONU in Revista română de studii internaţionale , No 1, 2003
- Globalizarea şi terorismul international in The Romanian Journal of European Studies, No1, 2002
- Dreptul internaţional economic: principiile şi instituţiile care reglementează relaţiile economice internaţionale in Euro-Atlantic Studies No 4, 2002
- Noul rol al Curţii Internaţionale de Justiţie în prevenirea conflictelor locale in Euro-Atlantic Studies No 1, 2001, University of Bucharest
- National Security of Romania: Legitimate Priorities and Concerns in Central European Issues vol. I, No 1, 1995
- Romania's option to integrate with the West: a historical and recent background in Journal roumain d’Affaires internationales vol. 1-2, 1995
- A memorable day in the history of Romania in Business World, No 14(847) of 24-30 January of 1994
- Security in the Central Europe – a positive stake in Revue de l’OTAN, No 5, October 1993
- Democracy and the market economy: Romania's irreversible options, Asashi Shinbun, 11.05. 1993, Tokyo-Japan
- La Moldavia, secondo stato romeno in Acque et Terre, No 2, 1992, Venice-Italy
- Centenary of the International Law Association (ILA) in ADIRI magazine, No 1(23), 1974
- Some legal concerns regarding cooperation through international organizations in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy in ADIRI magazine, N o1(15), 1972