Positive Perspectives of the Cooperation Between Poland and Germany
The Discussion organized by the Bundesrat, the Polish Embassy and the EurActive portal
December 18th, 2014The core of the discussion, were the potential outcomes of the European Cohesion Fund. Cohesion Fund are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in terms of income, wealth and opportunities. Europe's poorer regions receive most of the support, but all European regions are eligible for funding under the policy's various funds and programmes. The current Regional Policy framework is set for a period of seven years, from 2014 to 2020. This instrument is being used in aspects of reducing regional disproportions between Germany and Poland.
Participants of the discussion mentioned the benefits, which can be acquired by small and medium entrepreneurs. It gives a positive perspective with regards to scientific cooperation. His Excellency Ambassador of Poland, Jerzy Margański reminded that, in the coming years Poland would acquire 82,5 mld EUR and most of that financial support would be dedicated for innovations and entrepreneurships.
The seminarium was a chance to emphasize the importance of the European Cohesion Fund. The Fund is not only aimed to reduce disparities, but also to make positive influence in support of growth, reduction of unemployment and diminishing effects of the economical crisis. His Excellency Ambassador of Poland, Jerzy Margański indicated that, due to financial help from the EU, in Poland, around 300 000-employment opportunities were created and about 25000 entrepreneurs received support.
References and Links
- For more information: http://www.berlin.msz.gov.pl/pl/aktualnosci/perspektywy_wspolpracy_po_obu_stronach_odry_w_polu_zainteresowania_ekspertow_z_polski_i_niemiec
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