
Official visit to Tanzania

From 30 October to 1 November, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier payed an official visit to the United Republic of Tanzania.

October 30th, 2023
Editorial, News from Berlin
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From 30 October to 1 November, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier payed an official visit to the United Republic of Tanzania.

During his visit, the Federal President met Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan for political talks. In Dar es Salaam, he also engaged in discussions with representatives from German and Tanzanian businesses and the start-up scene examining the future prospects of economic and trade relations between the two countries. After this, the Federal President visited a cement plant operated by a German company and had a meeting with representatives of Tanzanian civil society.

On the second day of his visit to Tanzania, the Federal President focused on Tanzanian history and in particular German colonial rule. He traveled to Songea in the south of the country to visit the graves of the victims of the Maji Maji war and to speak to descendants of the victims. He also visited the Maji Maji Memorial Museum and a local school in Songea.

On 1 November, the Federal President traveled on to Zambia for a state visit.

Overview of the programme:

Monday, 30 October

Flight to Dar es Salaam/Tanzania

Welcome with military honours by January Makamba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Republic of Tanzania

Tuesday, 31 October

State House
Welcome by Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania

Signing of the visitors’ book

Talks with the President

Talks with representatives of the German and Tanzanian business communities together with the President

Meeting with representatives of Tanzanian start-up companies together with the President

Joint press conference

Luncheon hosted by the President

Tour of the production plant of Twiga Cement – Heidelberg Materials

Talks with representatives of civil society

Hotel Sea Cliff
Reception hosted by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany

Wednesday, 1 November

Flight to Songea

Tour of the Maji Maji Memorial Museum

Talks with descendants of Chief Songea Mbano, followed by a speech

Visit to Maji Maji primary school

Flight to Lusaka/Zambia


News from Berlin