News from Berlin
‘Malta Week’ Brings Maltese Culture to Monheim
May 13th, 2014
News from Berlin - The Embassy of Malta in Berlin organized a ‘Malta Week’ in Monheim from May 6th to 13th. The event was organized together with the City Association of Monheim of the Europa Union Deutschland, the College for Adult Education of Monheim and the city authorities. During the week, activities related to Malta were organized every day. The last opportunity to enjoy the event is today, at an ‘Economic Forum’ that will be held with the participation of Malta Enterprise, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Duesseldorf and the German Association for Economic Promotion and Foreign Trade. The Managing Director of Seifert mtm Systems (who came to Malta from North Rhine-Westphalia) will talk about his company's history and its activities in Malta.
On the first day of the Malta Week an official opening ceremony was held with speeches from the Maltese Ambassador to Germany, Dr Albert Friggieri, as well as displays of Maltese music, dance and art. As a special attraction during the whole week, an exhibition of over 100 drawings was sent by children from government primary schools to St. Margaret College, entitled ‘Maltese Children Present Malta to the Children of Monheim in Germany’. Other highlights of the week included German authors reading from their books on their experiences in Malta, an evening dedicated to Maltese tourism and culture with the opportunity to taste various Maltese culinary specialities, as well as the ‘Malteserhilfsdienst’, one of Germany’s leading relief agencies for humanitarian aid, explaining the work of their association. For more information please visit:
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