“Lichtenberg Professorships”, the Funding Initiative of the Volkswagen Foundation
Until the 1st of June, It Is Possible to Send the Applications to Participate at This Initiative of the Volkswagen Foundation, Started in 2002.
January 29th, 2016The “Lightenberg Professorship” offers innovative academic teaching and new lines of research at German universities in order to give young researchers the opportunity to work in their own new lines of research, offering the possibility to do a tenure – track at a university of their choice in Germany.
The funding offer is open to young researchers, from all disciplines, who have gathered some experience working abroad and have achieved a doctorate within the past four to seven years.
The goal of the foundation is to support the humanities and social sciences and the technology fields within higher education and research, funding research projects and providing assistance to academic institutions in order to improve the structural conditions of their work. Furthermore, the Foundation develops its own funding initiatives with a focus on pioneering future – oriented fields of research. The number of funding initiatives is deliberately restricted to make sure that the funds are put to the best effect.
The Volkswagen Foundation is the largest private research funder, with a funding volume of around 150 million euros. It is an independent foundation and it is located in Hanover. Since it was founded, in 1962, the Foundation has supported over 30,000 projects, allocating more than 4.2 million euros. It is thereby one of the largest common benefit foundations under private law in all of Germany, and its capital amounts to 2.9 billion euros.
- References: www.volkswagenstiftung.de
Valentina Mazzone, Berlin Global