News from Berlin
Launch of New German – Jewish Monthly Magazine “Jüdische Rundschau”
October 23rd, 2014
News from Berlin – There has been a discussion about the launch of a new German – Jewish monthly magazine yesterday at the Hotel Kempinski in Berlin. Dr. Rafael Korenzecher explained why he launched the “Jüdische Rundschau”, which roughly translates to “The Jewish Review”. He said: “We have a message and we are not a mainstream news outlet and now we have the opportunity to reach the German public.”
The magazine is a product of the publishing house J.B.O. – Jewish Berlin Online. In July 2014 they launched two magazines, a Russian version called Jewish Panorama and a German version called Jewish Review. It is a news platform for Jewish and non – Jewish readers and it offers news from Israel. Mostly focusing on politics, culture, religion, Jewish communities and Israel, which for some, according to the Jerusalem Post, became an intellectual, cultural and religious center of Judaism today. It is issued monthly, 40 pages and accompanied with a well established website platform.
Korenzecher, editor in chief, is active in fighting modern anti – Semitism in Germany and also a founder of the Coordinating Council of German non-governmental Organizations against Anti – Semitism. With the newspaper he attracted some of the best journalists in Germany and Austria to analyze anti – Semitism as well as anti- Israel and anti- American sentiments. This month’s issue features a lengthy interview with a leading authority on anti-Semitism, Dr. Robert S. Wistrich, who is the Neuburger professor of European and Jewish history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and directs the university’s Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of anti-Semitism.
“Jüdische Rundschau” was originally founded in Germany in 1902 and ran for more than 35 years. It was the most common German – Jewish weekly newspapers at the time, published by Heinrich Loewe. The last copy of the magazine was issued on November 8, 1938, a day before the Kristallnacht, also referred to as the Night of Broken Glass when the pogrom against Jews throughout Germany and Austria began.
News from Berlin – Berlin Global