June Events presented by the Embassy of Argentina to Austria
The events include latino parties, musical performances, exhibitions and concerts
May 29th, 2024LIVE MUSIC
06. LA PEÑA DE CHARLY (García) with Pablo Grande & Juan Pulido
06. Tango Trio at Milonga Tangobar
23. Summer concert of the Vienna Music Association.
Director:Paul Boggiano
23. Faryna-Satorre Duo
28, 29 and 30. BACHIANOS. Joaquín Alem - Bandoneon solo
03. Sorora Festival
04. Sound Intervention de Canto y Cinta
08. Eva Encanto
15. Fiesta Ayres - Fiesta Latina !
The Völkersterben exhibition continues?! The exhibition commemorates
the expeditions of the Priest of the Order of the Divine Word Martín
Gusinde to Tierra del Fuego 100 years ago.
For more information follow the Embassy of Argentina to Austria on facebook !
- - https://www.gob.pe/institucion/embajada-del-peru-en-alemania/noticias/965948-dos-voces-poeticas-peruanas-embajada-del-peru-en-alemania-promueve-la-poesia-nacional
- - https://circulodepoesia.com/2021/10/poesia-peruana-patricia-colchado/
- - https://circulodepoesia.com/2022/10/poesia-peruana-luis-alonso-cruz/