
Japanese Embassy in Germany Promotes Die Fleisch Opera

Four rituals with the opera Ayamé by Kosaku Yamada are promoted in Berlin by the Japanese Embassy Premiere Events

March 11th, 2019
Natalia Burlacu, News from Berlin
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The Japanese Embassy promotes a cultural event in Berlin dedicated to the Japanese composer Kosaku Yamada, who wrote the opera character Ayamé in 1931. It oscillates between Debussy, Richard Strauss and Japanese sounds, the opera is anything but ballet music.

Like the Okichi opera, Ayamé has never been staged in Europe, as the planned Paris premiere in June 1931 did not materialize. Yamada was initially only to present Ayamé in the form of a concert suite - that conducted with great success, among others in the USA, in Russia and Berlin - in 1937 with the Berliner Philharmoniker.

Seemingly just another male fantasy story, but Ayamé defies and desires, demands self-determination about her body and her fate. How far can we today, almost 90 years later, determine our own body, which has become a commodity and whose value we are constantly trying to optimize?

The staging is based on the ritual, also around "the hypocritical ratio of modern times, the grotesque, the mysterious to oppose the incomprehensible and the absurd ..."


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