Italian Embassy Hosted Leading Scholar in Design
Ezio Manzini visited Berlin to promote his recent publication “Politics of the Everyday”
July 01st, 2019The Italian Embassy was happy to host the conference of such an important scholar this past week on June 25. Ezio Manzini is one of the world’s leading scholars of design for sustainability.
H.E. Amb. Luigi Mattiolo made a short speech to introduce the guest. Manzini then talked about the importance of the everyday activities of collaborative citizens that can have a significant influence on a new generation of public services.
Manzini’s intervention was followed by Sabine Junginger, the head of the Competence Center Design & Management at the the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He talked about the importance of the feedback of “average” citizens in the field of sustainable design.
The following day, Manzini presented the opening lecture entitled, “Design for collaborative cities - Weaving people and places in fluid urban spaces” at the prestigious Kunstgewerbemuseum. The theme of sustainable design is increasingly felt in Berlin as the Nordic Embassies will soon host an exhibition about it.
The conference at the embassy was a success, with important participation from the public, both German and Italian.