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International Games Week Berlin

Events, Award Shows, Performances, Exhibitions, Workshops And Talks in Berlin From the 18th to the 24th of April

April 15th, 2016

This year the International Games Week Berlin will take place from April 18th to the 24th, in several places throughout Berlin. It is a leading cross-industry communication and networking platform for games business, development and culture founded and run by Booster Space, and it is addressed both to industries and to enthusiasts, coming from the international scene. It takes place every year in April for seven days, attracting more than a couple of thousand visitors (10.000 in 2014 and 12.000 in 2015).

During the whole week there were more then ten collateral events as award shows, performances, exhibitions, workshops, talks and parties, spread in different venues in Berlin. Even if the platform is founded and organized by Booster Space, every single event is managed by its own expert team in order to create something authentic and characteristic to fit for different kinds of audience. For example, the "Gamefest" in the Computerspielemuseum is dedicated to games enthusiasts but "Quo Vadis", the games business and development conference, and the "Researching Games Barcamp and Devcamp" are addressed only to professional visitors. During the week there are also many opportunities to find a job, as for example the job recruitment day, where it is possible to meet and discover games companies.

\A special event: "Womenize!”, was addressed specifically to women who pursue to build a career in the fields of digital economy, the games industry or IT. In addition to that, there is “A MAZE,” an independent video games festival which, since 2012, awards five categories: “Most Amazing Game Award”, “Human Human Machine Award”, “WTF?! Award”, “Other Dimensions Award (VR)” and the “Audience Award.”

To enjoy completely the International Games Week Berlin, visitors can read articles, interviews and other curiosities on the official guide: “Logos” or download the Games Week Guide App which offers the opportunity to select the field of interest and create your own schedule. It is also possible to go to the Games Week Berlin Center, the main information, expo and accreditation center.

Where: 16 different locations among which Comuterspielemuseum, Alte Feuerwache, Nordic Embassies, Urban Spree/Haubentaucher/Ambulatorium, HTW's Campus Wilhelminenhof, Games Academy, Spindler & Klatt, and the RAW comcpound.



News from Berlin
Caterina Gion, Berlin Global