News from Berlin

Hungary: Already Ten Years in the EU

May 13th, 2014
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News from Berlin - On May 14th Prof. Dr. András Inotai from Budapest will give a lecture about the Hungarian experiences and occurrences summarizing the past 10 years after Hungary joined to the European Union.

Hungary joined to EU with nine other applicant countries on the 1st of May 2004. In 2014 amongst many other anniversary events, Inotai will give a lecture about the past 10 years from the Hungarian perspective. The lecture will take place in the Berlin House of Representatives (Niederkirchnerstr. 510111 Berlin) on May 14th from 18.00 to 19.00.

Prof. Dr. András Inotai was the general director of the Institute of International Economics in Budapest between 1991 and 2011, since then he has been working as a research director for the Institute for Economic and Regional Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is as an expert in outsider critical companion to all Hungarian governments and their respective responsibilities.  

The presentation is divided into three periods of time: from 2004 to the global financial and economic crisis, the treatment of crisis from 2008 to 2010, and the period from 2011, which corresponds to the first term of the second Orbán Viktor’s government.

After the presentation by Inotai there is an opportunity for a panel discussion, which then can be continued during a small reception with the speakers.

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