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“House of Housing Disasters” Exposed at the Czech Center in Berlin

The Exhibition “House of Housing Disasters” by Dominik Lang Invites Berliners to Experience the Unique Artistic Point of View of a Young Talented Czech Artist

March 04th, 2016

The exhibition of “House of housing disasters” by the Czech artist Dominik Lang has been on display at the Czech cultural center since February 11th 2016. Dominik Lang is well-known for his famous installation of the “Sleeping city” at the 54th Biennale of Contemporary Art in Venice (2011) and an exhibition of “Expanded Anxiety” (2013), which was held in the Vienna Secession Pavilion. In 2013 Dominik Lang received the Jindřich Chalupecký Award, a prestigious prize awarded annually to young visual artists. The exhibition is free of charge and is on display until April 9th. It is open from Tuesday to Saturday, 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

The exhibition “House of housing disasters” reveals hidden creative elements and functional spaces of the Czech Embassy building in Berlin, which was built by Vera and Vladimir Machoninov between 1974 and 1979. Besides, the title of Lang’s exhibition refers to a similar construction built by the Machoninov’s, namely the so called “House of Culture” in Prague, which due to the economic weaknesses of the eighties was jokingly nicknamed the “House of housing disasters”.

Lang’s work is typical in this way, he repeatedly criticizes production mechanisms and ways of receiving works of art, taking into account the current political and historical circumstances. Fragments, readymades and their contextualization through various forms of exhibition architecture are the central moments of Lang's sculptural work.

The Czech Centre in Berlin founded in 1955 works to present the culture of the Czech Republic in Germany, develop a dialogue with the Germany and present the Czech Republic to the German public as a modern and dynamic country.


News from Berlin
Adam Slezak, Berlin Global