News from Berlin
Harlem Désir in Berlin
August 01st, 2014
News from Berlin - The French state secretary for Foreign Affairs, Harlem Désir came to Berlin this Thursday to discuss international issues with his German and Italian counterparts, Michael Roth and Sandro Gozi. The main theme of the discussions were European Plans for the next 5 years related to areas such as the unemployment among young European citizens, fundamental rights as well as immigration policy.
In the statement issued after the discussions the German minister Michael Roth wrote, “Europe is above all a community of values and solidarity.” Common aims such as improving the lot of the young people who are the future of Europe require strong commitment from Germany, France and Italy who have come up with Youth Employment Initiative and The Youth Guarantee. A new topic has also emerged in recent years: green politics. In order to protect the environment a major conference will take place in Paris in 2015, and the talks this Thursday served to clarify main points which will be put forward during the conference. Additionally, a large portion of the meeting was dedicated to trying to solve the problem of immigration and asylum seekers. One of the solutions presented was supporting development in African countries, which Germany is very heavily involved with.
News from Berlin - Berlin Global