“Gymnich Meeting”
An informal meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers
February 07th, 2019On 31st Genuary and 1st February, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, attended in Bucharest the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the EU Countries.
The so-colled “Gymnich meeting”, organised by the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council gave special attention to the situation in Venezuela and its developments in the last weeks. In addiction, the Ministers have also scheduled several sessions of debate to update the situation with the EU’s Eastern Partner and other foreign policy issues.
During the meeting, the EU Council, gave also the opportunity os scheduling several bilateral meetings between the Minister Enzo Moavero, and his collegues. Between the others, the agenda includes meetings with the Foreign Minister of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides, of France, Jean-Yves Le Drian, of Macedonia, Nikola Dimitrov, and of Spain, Josep Borrell.
- - https://www.esteri.it/mae/en/sala_stampa/archivionotizie/comunicati/2019/01/il-ministro-moavero-milanesi-domani-e-il-1-febbraio-a-bucarest.html
- - https://www.romania2019.eu/