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Globalized Nature – Latin-American Perspectives: A Symposium by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

June 27th, 2014
Latin American Perspetives.jpg

News from Berlin – The so called ADLAF-Tagung 2014 started on Thursday June 26th and will continue till Saturday June 28th at the Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin. The symposium focuses on discussing the topic ‘Globalized Nature – Latin-American Perspectives’ amongst representatives for the fields of science, politics, economy and the civil society with a focus on the current development process in Latin-America. The list of participants includes: Dr. Wolfgang Maier, Prof Dr. Detlef Nolte, Dr. Barbara Göbel, Marie-Luise Dött MdB, Joseluis Samaniego, Edgardo Cenzón, Dr. Martin Coy and Meghan Sapp.

In the last years the global request for natural resources and agricultural products from Latin-America has risen, which has strengthened the historic role of the area as an exporting country for natural resources on the global market. But due to the high biodiversity many ecosystems in Latin-America have become compensation areas for the global environmental change particularly that of climate change. These global values of nature in Latin-America underline the interdependent relationship between Latin-America and other regions of the world. These however include many chances for the Latin-American society but also many risks for the civilization, environment and development.

At the ADLAF-Tagung this process is being discussed in six units: the opening panel on Latin-America in the global environmental discourse, panel 1 on global markets and natural resources in Latin-America, panel 2 on the conflicts of nature- social and lawful practices, panel 3 on energy and sustainable development, panel 4 on literature, history and environment. The last section is a round table discussion on ‘Land grabbing- a trans regional perspective’.

Some of the panels will be translated simultaneously (Spanish-German-Spanish, Portuguese-German). Information on this can be found in the program:


The symposium is being hosted at Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Tiergartenstr. 35, Berlin, Germany


News from Berlin – Berlin Global