News from Berlin

Germany and GIZ: Supporting Land Reform in Cambodia

March 25th, 2014

News from Berlin - The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, along with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), has helped to support land reform in Cambodia. Under the rule of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, all land registry records were destroyed. On behalf of the German government, GIZ is supporting land reform in Cambodia and is working to guarantee that more Cambodians can obtain legally assured access to land in both rural and urban areas.

The confusion regarding land ownership and rights has placed the livelihoods of Cambodia’s rural population under threat, as reliance on income from agriculture remains significant. GIZ is contributing advisory services and training to district administrations, with the aim to secure land rights and human rights. More than 1,000 Cambodian surveyors are implementing initial land registration on the basis of clear regulations and legislation. Over 2 million private land ownership titles have already been issued by the Cambodian government.

For the first time, over 1,600 previously landless families have been given land by the state, and indigenous communities have also been given collective land titles. GIZ and the German government have also provided conflict management training to a large number of municipal counsellors, improving citizens’ access to effective out-of-court settlements for land conflicts. Furthermore, GIZ has provided support for enhancing cooperation between the municipal administration and civil society, leading to the implementation of regional plans in sectors such as road and bridge building.

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