Falling Walls Lab 2016: How to Bring Down Barriers in 3 Minutes
Competition for Young Innovators in the Run-up to the Falling Walls Conference
August 16th, 2016Falling Walls Lab’s first edition dates back to 2011, when it was set up within the context of the Falling Walls Conference, the gathering takes place on 9th November every year in Berlin and is organized by the homonymous foundation.
The meeting involves 20 of the world’s leading scientists from 80 countries who present their own research in 15-minute-talks to an audience of about 700 international spectators, in order to share their latest scientific findings. This is meant to build bridges between people from all around the world bringing different areas of human knowledge together - which are normally not linked: it is no accident that the slogan of the event is “Which are the next walls to fall?”
Well, the Falling Walls Lab’s contest gives the three winners the great opportunity to take part in this event as speakers, besides getting a cash prize to put their ideas into practice. But how does the competition work exactly?
100 finalists will be selected through national contests spread over 50 cities of 30 countries and in different times. Academics or professionals applying must present their idea (a research project or a social initiative) in a 3-minute-speech in English.
Participants in the final round will do the same in Berlin on 8th November in front of a selection board made up of high-level researchers, professors, economic and politics experts.
The good news even for those who won’t be among the winners: each participant will get an A.T. Kearney Scholarship to cover the ticket for the Conference and the accommodation from 8 to 9 November.
- - http://www.falling-walls.com/
- - http://www.alemaniaparati.diplo.de/Vertretung/mexiko-dz/es/01-Estudios/Becas-Programas/FallingWalls.html#topic3