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News from Berlin

Exhibition of the Luxemburg artist Catherine Lorent

April 25th, 2014

News from Berlin - Time for a representative of Luxembourg to organise an art exhibition in Berlin. From May 3rd to May 31st the artist Catherine Lorent will exhibit her works in L40 at Rosa Luxembourg Platz. It will be possible to visit her new interactive installation „Relegation Delegation Doom Constellation", with more than 50 extra drawings and a final main performance of the artist on the 29th of May at 20:00.

Catherine Lorent graduated with a Joint PhD in history from the University of Luxembourg in 2010 and in art history from the University of Heidelberg in 2012. Nowadays she lives in Berlin and is considered one of the most important young artists of her country, especially after having represented the pavilion of Luxembourg at the Venice Biennale in 2013. Her style is based on a Baroque concept and her main concern is representing the contradiction of the western modern lifestyle.  Besides visual art, she has also been experimenting with several instruments including electric guitar, bass, piano and harmonium, while pursuing her musical project Gran Horno. Berlin Global - News from Berlin