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Cultural Day by European Union National Institutes for Culture in Slovak Embassy

October 17th, 2014

News from Berlin - Today on October 17th, the European National Institute for Culture (EUNIC) in Berlin organized festival in cooperation with all cultural institutes of Berlin. During all of the day various events were taking place in Berlin as well as discussions, performances and movie projections.

The Slovak Institute drew lots of countries such as Italy, Greece and Serbia and they organized reading of national tales of these four countries in German language, that took place in Slovak Embassy building between 10:00 and 12:00. This event was dedicated to 45 German children, whom were taken for the event by Die Märchepost Association.

The first Slovak tale was called “O Troch Grošoch” and was read by Mrs. Marta Lachová, an actress who actually lives in Germany. Other national tales were read by representatives of the partner embassies. The tales were presenting during first hour of the event. Readers also asked kids to participate in an interaction between them and the young audience as well as presenting some information about the countries. On the right side of the room there was map of Europe with highlighted countries of event organizers.

The second part of this event was a live performance of the Italian singer Eva Spagna, as part of the Italian Institute presentation. This performance presented a diverse element to the event and also received children attention in the same way as the tales before. The band wasn’t just playing, but also entertaining and interacting with their audience. They asked for examples from volunteers from the audience to play the triangle instrument for one song or to commence juggling with eggs during the performance.

After this event, kids could take some books of reference in different languages, or could refresh themselves with cup of orange juice or water. For adults a small degustation of red or white wines was offered from countries such as Serbia, Slovakia, Italy or Greece.

News from Berlin - Berlin Global