
Brazilian Embassy in Berlin and the Deutsch-Brasilianische Gesellschaft receive the Minister of the TSE Edilene Lôbo

On Monday, May 6th, the first Black Minister of the TSE in Brazil gave a conference emphasizing the importance of equality for black people, especially women

May 07th, 2024
Marina R. Ferrández Esclapez, News from Berlin
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Edilene Lobo is a jurist, lawyer and academic. She teaches classes at the University of Itaúna, her fields being electoral, administrative and criminal law. In 2023, she was appointed by President Lula da Silva to the position of substitute minister of the TSE, in a vacancy for jurists, thus becoming the first black woman to join the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) of Brazil.

The conversation began with the following words from Lobo: “I always start with the most important word in my life and the one that brought me here: gratitude.”

During the talk, various topics were discussed. Among them, Dr. Lôbo highlighted the importance of quality information as a fundamental asset. Stating that if information is considered a good for everyone, a feeling of responsibility to protect and care for said information will be created throughout the world. Dr. Lôbo commented on the advantages and disadvantages of this new digital era that we are living in, stating that the digital world offers many opportunities to provide quality information, but that at the same time there is also a lot of manipulation of it.

Regarding how digitalization affects Brazil, the use of advertising in the digital world is very common in Brazil. What is not acceptable is that this intelligence is used to manipulate, misinform or sow chaos. And when artificial intelligence is used in electoral propaganda, users must be informed that AI is being used. Organized crime in the digital world is an issue that Brazilian courts do not forget and are currently working on.

Dr. Lôbo pointed out that today being black in Brazil continues to be a disadvantage, but in the past, it carried an enormous risk. During the talk, not everything was a political speech, Edilene showed the most sentimental side of her and connected with the audience by telling her personal story. She commented how despite having a large family and living in poverty, her mother encouraged her to make a future for herself. Dr. Lôbo was moved when she remembered her personal story. She especially thanked all those people who helped and supported her unconditionally with her studies, giving her the opportunity to train and build a professional career.

Edilene Lôbo is a clear example that every effort has its reward. Today she is a great role model and inspiration for women, especially black women.

Finally, one of the attendees surprised Dr. Lôbo by singing a cappella "Canto das Três Raças", a song that speaks of the formation of Brazilians from three races, white, black and Indian. The song refers to the slavery and racism they suffered, the resistance of the quilombo, the indigenous extermination, the “sob of pain” and the historical responsibility of white Europeans. Once again, Edilene was moved by this gesture so significant for the occasion.


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