News from Berlin
Berlin Displays Young Chinese Artists
May 05th, 2014
News from Berlin - The GeKA Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Chinesischen kulturellen Austausch organizes the exhibition ‘Die 8 der Wege: Kunst in Beijing’. Inaugurated on the 29th of April, it celebrates the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Berlin and Beijing’s twinning.
‘Die 8 der Wege: Kunst in Beijing’ is intended to celebrate Sino-German cultural bilateral relations, to which the two cultural capitals Berlin and Beijing play a crucial role. Featuring works of over 20 artist from the young Chinese generation among which Liu Wei, Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, the exhibition is meant to provide an insight into the diversity of China’s current buzzling artistic scene. Doing so, it engages in a reflexion on the country as modern Cultural nation, departing from its common narrow portrayal as major economic power.
The title itself refers both to the lucky number eight of the Chinese tradition and the artistic paths the exhibition curators underwent in order to make it happen in Berlin.
The ‘8 der Wege’ exhibition takes place from April 29th to July 13th at Uferhallen, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin (U8, U9 and Bus M27, N8, N9, 247 and 327), the entry fee is of 6 euros, 4 for reduced tickets and free for children under 14. For more informations, please visit the website of the exhibition at
News from Berlin - Berlin Global.