News from Berlin
Afro-Festival of Dortmund Brings Europe and Africa Together
May 09th, 2014
News from Berlin - From April 6th to June 22th the Afro-Ruhr Festival will be held in Dortmund. This is the fifth year that this festival is being organized in Dortmund (North Rhine-Westphalia). The weekend of May 9th to 11th is the highlight of the festival with live concerts, parties and an African bazaar. The Dortmund Afro-Festival is one of the biggest African festivals in Germany. About 25,000 visitors are expected this year.
The goal of the Afro-Ruhr Festival is to celebrate Africa by gathering people interested in Africa or with African backgrounds. The point is also to underline how important it is to discuss African problems, opportunities and perspectives in order to propose concrete solutions for the future. Through lectures and discussions speakers and participants will have the chance to exchange dialogue about Africa and its relations with Europe.
During the three days of the ‘highlight weekend’ various artistic events will be presented, such as exhibitions, film projections, artistic workshops and food degustation to bring together African and European culture. Famous artists from Africa will perform on stage: the band Debedemba from Burkina Faso and Mali, the Cape-Verdean singer Neuza, the reggae band from Ghana Black Prophet, and the jazz band Gasandji from Congo, among others.
Berlin Global – News from Berlin