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A Night Just for Nordic Music

Ja Ja Ja – A Nordic Affair introduces Finnish, Danish and Norwegian artists in Berlin

April 12th, 2016

Music is a good way to bond and exchange ideas across national borders. And Berlin is known for her diverse music scene and its attractiveness to new artists to try to spread their wings in the music world. On April 14th 2016, Berliners can tune in for a Nordic music experience as FLUXFM and NBHAP presents “Ja Ja Ja – A Nordic Affair” event at Musik & Frieden night club, Berlin. The stars of the night are: CTM from Denmark, Norwegian Gundelach, and “HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE JANE FONDA AEROBIC VHS?” band from Finland.

They will entertain the audience who are interested in hearing new music from up north. 

The artists and a band at this event are mix of both old and new. CTM is an abbreviation for Cæcilie Trier Musik, an alias of Cæcilie Trier’s main project that was launched in 2012. She is also known from her solo project: Chimes & Bells. Her work as cellist, singer, and composer has received awards and positive feedback from critics in Denmark.

The next group with their un-categorised music, influenced with 60’s girl groups, Motown, indie and gospel music style, will be “HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE JANE FONDA AEROBIC VHS?” Whose debut album, Teenage Sweetheart, was released in 2015 and since then, they have been touring actively in Finland and in the upcoming summer they will perform in Denmark and UK. Lastly, but not least Gundelach was known for his DJ skills, before his solo album ‘Spiders’ debuted in 2015, which became radio hit both in Nordic sphere and internationally. During the summer, he also will be touring in European festivals.

“Ja Ja Ja” is an international website that promotes music form Nordic countries. They have a stage open for any new band from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland. They have permanent locations at the Lexington in London, FluxBau in Berlin and Molotow in Hamburg. Ja Ja Ja - A Nordic Affair will be held first at Hamburg on 13th April 2016 with the same artists. Find more information of the event and upcoming concerts held in Berlin, Hamburg and London at Ja Ja Ja’s own website found in reference.



News from Berlin
Aira Lukka, Berlin Global