News from Berlin
9 Years in Berlin – Eastern and Western Approaches on Sexual Diversity
June 17th, 2014
News from Berlin – The contemporary artist Musk Ming is at the moment presenting the exhibition “9 Years in Berlin” at the Berlin Avantgarde Gallery.
The Berlin based Chinese artist Musk Ming´s art works are a merge between traditional Chinese art and contemporary techniques in form of Western aesthetics, giving the exhibition a cross-cultural, international twist. The focus lies in the relationship between the human, society and nature. The exhibition and the work of Musk Ming is portraying the contrasts between the sense of freedom and sexual tolerance in Berlin on the one hand and the social oppression of homosexuals in China on the other. It aims to show the differences in terms of sexual values between the East and the West in an ironic manner and celebrates sexual diversity. Musk´s works have been shown around Europe and Asia. This particular exhibition summarizes his time in Europe and Berlin and are still open until July 7th.
Berlin Avantgarde represent new gallery concept associated with both contemporary art and design. Efforts are made to expand the collaboration with established artists as well as up-and-coming artists, and give them the possibility to showcase their works in solo exhibitions. The emphasis on mixing art and design comes by combining fine arts like painting, photography and sculpture with other forms of artistic techniques. This has led to collaborations between the gallery and artists of various genres.
News from Berlin – Berlin Global