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Where Tradition meets Modern Art: Knitting from Norway

A Norwegian Christmas exhibition organized by the Nordic Embassies from November 28th

December 02nd, 2014
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From November 28th 2014 until January 8th 2015 a Christmas exhibition will run at the Felleshus and will showcase more than 40 knitting pieces from various regions of Norway: traditional old models that were designed over a hundred years ago, such as the “Mandalsvante”, as well as newer stocking and glove patterns.

The country has a fascinating long tradition in the art of knitting, which has become more prominent in recent years. Remains of a knitted garment were found from excavations in the 15th or 16th century and since the mid-16th century knit stockings have been listed in Norwegian business books. Today, Norway ranks among the countries with the highest per capita consumption of wool.

Arne & Carlos’ Literature on Norwegian Knitwork

The exhibition will be in line with the book of the month “Norgestrikk - Pullover & Accessoires in Traditionellen Mustern” by Arne & Carlos, which explains everything you need to know about Norwegian knitting. The publication of the book will take place on December 18th at the Felleshus.

Arne & Carlos were given the highest award in 2010 from the “Norges Husflidslag” – a leading cultural and interest organization which curated the exhibition - for their dedication to the “revitalization and profiling of the Norwegian home industry both nationally and internationally”. The knitted balls that decorate the Christmas tree at Felleshus also originate from their work.

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