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Colombian Day of Remembrance and Solidarity

9th of April is Colombia’s national day for the remembering the victims of its armed conflict

April 07th, 2015

April 9th is the annual day of ‘Memory and Solidarity’ day with the victims of Colombia’s armed conflict. It is celebrated every year since the 2011 when the Law 1448 was passed. This year the slogan will be “For the victims, for the peace”. The objective is inform and educate as an act of memorial and acknowledgment to the Colombian victims. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and The Unit for Attention and Reparation of Victims are organizing several events for next week, across ten Colombian consulates, including Berlin. There are to be symbolic acts and exhibitions and ceremonies for the Colombian citizens, and useful information will be given about matters of compensation.

“We invite all Colombian citizens to join the events, encounters, march and artistic expressions (…) The victims are an essential part of Colombian democracy and we want acknowledgement and support for all of them” said Paula Gaviria Betancur, director of the Unit for Attention and Reparation of Victims. “The day of Memory and Solidarity with the victims is a unique opportunity to think about our history, share our experiences and reinforce the social fabric” The victims will be the focus and they will be rallied around by the whole society” add the director.

If you are interested on supporting this initiative you can post a video or a picture with a candle with the sentence “I light up a light for the victims” with the hastag ‪#‎PorLasVíctimasPorLaPaz. For more information you can see more on:

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